Whether it's fellow teachers, parents or students, someone might ask you "What's Green Ninja?" We've provided some resources here to help you share Green Ninja with the people who need to hear about it!
We have compiled a collection of videos and short articles to help teachers build their content knowledge so they can feel more confident in the classroom.
Carbon Command is a simplified model of the influence of human activities on climate change. The game starts with carbon raining down through the atmosphere (and ocean), while the player uses the photosynthesis of plants to control the uptake of atmospheric carbon. As the player moves through more challenging levels, there are various upgrades available to combat the rise in carbon levels and save the planet from warming temperatures.
Play Carbon CommandCarbon Runner is a fast-paced game focusing on how personal decisions positively or negatively affect the environment. It is an endlesssly running game, which puts you in the shoes of Green Ninja in order to collect or destroy items, which can be good or bad for the environment. Correctly answering questions allows the player to gain the powers to advance to higher levels.
Play Carbon RunnerGreen Ninja isn't just in videos and worksheets - he’s everywhere. Use these printouts to decorate your classroom
and bring these Green Ninja messages to your students.